inSteps BV
InSteps BV is a University of Amsterdam spin-off. It is a business-to-business service provider of in-silico stroke treatment solutions for thrombectomy device manufacturers and was founded by Prof. Henk Marquering, Dr. Praneeta Konduri, Dr. Nerea Arrarte Terreros and Dr. Thomas Kerbusch from the Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Biomedical Engineering & Physics (Amsterdam UMC-AMC).
Stroke is the major cause of death and disability in Europe. Thrombectomy is a key novel treatment option for patients with a stroke due to a large vessel occlusion. However, with only a 1-in-10 chance of successfully launching new treatments in stroke, advancements in thrombectomy device development and clinical implementation have to become more efficient, faster, and cost-effective. InSteps’ unique in-silico modeling platform for designing, testing, and large-scale evaluation of novel endovascular devices provides a unique opportunity to speed up the uptake of new valuable treatments and as such help millions of acute ischemic stroke patients.